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joe te
3 year ago
Texas-born singer and songwriter Joseph Arrington Jr. passed away at the age of 49 in 1982. After developing an interest in the Islamic religion, he was also known as Yusuf Hazziez. He took a break from music and dedicated himself to spiritual pursuits.
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2 year ago
I believe the area where this name was used was not the same place as Edremit is now, but rather somewhere near the Goose Mountains.
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3 year ago
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ricky martin
2 year ago
The woman who just presented the news on Sky Türk said that her name is Ricky Martin, but she also goes by the name Ricky.
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nullius in verba
2 year ago
According to the documentary series Cosmos, the British Royal Academy had a motto of "see for yourself", which means that they encouraged people to explore and learn about science on their own. This Academy was a leader in science during a certain period of time.

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viva la muerte
2 year ago
357 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 18