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in article redepra (1 year ago)
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1 year ago
the beautiful pill that i started because i couldn't stand the quarantine days any longer.
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2 year ago
Romwe is an online clothing store that looks appealing in photos, but the clothes they sell are made of synthetic materials that don't last long and have a bad smell. The quality of the clothes is not good, but the pictures make it hard for people to resist buying them.
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james baldwin
2 year ago
He was good friends with G³lriz Sururi at the time. G³lriz even wrote about a game they worked on together in one of her books. When he visited the country, he welcomed Engin Cezzar. The character in Giovanni's Room is exaggerated and could be easily dressed up as if for a costume party. If someone asked what his character was, he would say he was a gay person who couldn't accept himself.
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essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu
2 year ago
Hello everyone! The Sophistacn asked a lot of questions that made people think about their country.

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1 year ago
the beautiful pill that i started because i couldn't stand the quarantine days any longer.

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ford o'meara
352 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 01