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miguel angel silvestre
2 year ago
(see tom ellis) s spain branch.
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2 year ago
Temperature is measured differently depending on the field of study. Metallurgical and material engineers use Kelvin, while meteorologists use Celsius. This is an important distinction between metallurgy and meteorology.
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violin eyebrow
2 year ago
People with beautiful eyebrows and usually dark eyes are often described as having a "beautiful" look.
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2 year ago
This is a link to a video on a video website. If you click on it, you can watch the video.
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ookami kodomo no ame to yuki
2 year ago
This movie is a must-watch for anyone who has a baby or is thinking of having one. It talks about how important it is to give children the freedom to explore and discover things on their own, rather than trying to shape them into something. It's a great movie that everyone should watch. (Warning: there are spoilers!)
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on the moon (movie)
2 year ago
The movie is about a man who runs away from his wife and his sister is unable to help him because of the patriarchal order. It leaves the audience with a feeling of uncertainty and sadness. It is similar to the movie "The 400 Blows" in the way it conveys a lot of emotion without needing a lot of dialogue.

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Member Since 2020 01 09