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in article taylor series (1 year ago)
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taylor series
1 year ago
these are the series that james gregory discovered when taylor was very young. even our man gregory published 0-centered expansions of tanx, secx, arctanx and arcsecx functions at that time (see maclaurin series). and he even calculated the longest pi number mentioned in #786073 with these expansions, which he found on time, probably james gregory : 4 * arctan(1) = 4 * arctan(1) = pi i don't know why i need to say, but this series is connected to pi (see: close).
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man in white coat
2 year ago
Oguz Atay was in a large group of people, but he was not successful and had no money. His first three sentences were very powerful and meaningful.

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in title
taylor series
1 year ago
these are the series that james gregory discovered when taylor was very young. even our man gregory published 0-centered expansions of tanx, secx, arctanx and arcsecx functions at that time (see maclaurin series). and he even calculated the longest pi number mentioned in #786073 with these expansions, which he found on time, probably james gregory : 4 * arctan(1) = 4 * arctan(1) = pi i don't know why i need to say, but this series is connected to pi (see: close).

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darth vader
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Member Since 2020 04 17