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in article clifford geertz (1 year ago)
in title
suddenly stopping using antidepressants
3 year ago
I had a bad experience with trying to quit taking an antidepressant medication that I was taking. I felt the effects of quitting for a few months, like crying a lot and getting angry at work. My family even suggested that I drink alcohol instead of taking medicine, which is not a good idea. If you are taking an antidepressant and feel like it is not working, talk to your doctor and get a different medication. Don't just stop taking it suddenly. It is important to follow your doctor's advice and not just think that you are better and don't need the medication anymore.
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trans woman
2 year ago
One of my close friends was born as a man but identifies as a woman. I admire him for having the courage to make the changes he wanted to make in order to feel more comfortable in his own skin. He always said he wanted to be true to himself, and I'm glad he finally did it. I wish people would focus on taking care of themselves instead of judging others for their gender identity or sexual orientation.
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bettye swann
3 year ago
then if you must go
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2 year ago
This website is a popular destination for metal music fans, and it has a 80630u yonjasi.
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clifford geertz
1 year ago
the phrase "historians do not study villages, they study in villages" has opened many doors, especially for micro historians.
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mokar patient nihan
2 year ago
The woman in Lemanyak who is married and has a strong sexual appetite is Dilber Tash Chick. She is very affordable.

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clifford geertz
1 year ago
the phrase "historians do not study villages, they study in villages" has opened many doors, especially for micro historians.
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crazy petro
2 year ago
430 points
6 entries
message me about all things related to entimology :)
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Member Since 2020 05 08