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evo binary
2 year ago
I was one of the people who got scammed and I still can't believe it happened. I made fun of other people who were tricked by the same scam, but I learned my lesson. People say it's better to learn from your own mistakes than to listen to advice, so I'm trying to live my life better now.
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the commuter
2 year ago
Liam Neeson is a classic movie star who makes a lot of similar movies that are popular with people who like action and thrills. In these movies, the policeman he trusts the most usually has a plan that drives the story. The themes of these movies are usually the same, and they are great to watch while snacking on potato chips.
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coitus interruptus
3 year ago
Pulling out the penis before ejaculating (releasing semen).

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leave an ezel line for the night
2 year ago
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sabanci center
2 year ago

341 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2020 03 18