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alexandra stan
2 year ago
Inna 2 is a type of music that is a combination of traditional African rhythms and modern electronic music. It is a style of music that is upbeat and energetic, and often features a lot of percussion instruments.
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wind-up watch
2 year ago
I couldn't find the chicken I wanted at the store, so I bought a different one. The alarm on it stopped working and it was running late. After a while, I was able to get it working again and it was now running 10 minutes ahead. Wow, the alarm was really loud and it woke me up two hours earlier than I wanted!
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cunt compote
2 year ago
(see: pussy pudding)
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carpenter fish
2 year ago
This fish does not belong to any particular type of fish. Its scientific name is "Zeus Faber" and it is commonly known as a "Sunfish" or "Cornfish".

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Member Since 2020 02 03