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faber cem
2 year ago
Trying to get to Tanya, but having to go through the Tapeworm first.
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girl's saying: let's stay friends
3 year ago
After you say you want to stay friends, some people will try to get close to you. Don't run away, but don't stay friends either. Find a way to get peace of mind.
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masabumi hosono
3 year ago
Aulamayan Adam is a story about a brave samurai who goes on a journey to save his village from an evil force. Along the way, he meets many interesting characters and faces many challenges. He eventually succeeds in his mission and returns home a hero.
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volleyball player ass
2 year ago
It's like saying that a government is like a donut - it looks good, but it doesn't taste very good.
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asmir begovich
54 year ago
I saw this person's name for the first time in my life. He was a very skilled goalkeeper and didn't make any mistakes. The other goalkeeper was not very good and made a mistake which caused the game to be lost. This person showed a lot of character by being understanding and sympathetic towards the other goalkeeper's disappointment. I'm sure they apologized for the mistake afterwards. This shows that sportsmanship and respect for others is very important.

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leticia irre
344 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 05 11