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in article gomorrah (1 year ago)
in title
solutions for the toothache problem
3 year ago
Apranax and Arveles are medications used to treat pain. Majesic is a medication used to treat anxiety. Parol is a type of password used to protect information.
in title
1 year ago
i use occasionally and i heard it used a word (or something else) that can be loaded with meaning depending on where it is used.
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trois couleurs rouge
2 year ago
Krzysztof Kieslowski's Trois Couleurs trilogy is made up of three movies. The first movie, Blue (1993), is about freedom, the second movie, White (1994), is about equality, and the third movie, Red (1994), is about fraternity. The main character in Red is a retired judge who is involved in wiretapping, which is a form of miscommunication through lines of communication.

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in title
1 year ago
i use occasionally and i heard it used a word (or something else) that can be loaded with meaning depending on where it is used.

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nirmala erman
358 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 17