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girl's saying: let's stay friends
3 year ago
I had been in love with someone for two years and we had started talking on the phone for hours. We eventually met and he seemed to like me, but then we were introduced to someone else by our friends. I acted cold towards him, even though he tried to be close to me. Now, I'm not asking any more questions because I know that this relationship is not going to work out. I'm not trying to figure out why I couldn't make it work, I'm just letting it go. As one of my friends said, I can't figure out someone else until I figure out my own mother. So, I'm just letting it go.
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3 year ago
A femme fatale is a woman who is dangerous and potentially deadly. The phrase is a French phrase which literally translates to "fatal woman". In some Latin languages, the order of the words is reversed, so they say "femme fatale" instead of "fatale femme".
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2 year ago
An empty free element is someone whose art and creations are not very good.
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2 year ago
Alpay was an Australian man who was seen in a forward message wearing a jersey. He was a fitball player.

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give me the music
338 points
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Member Since 2020 04 03