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hilbert space
2 year ago
In the Hilbert space, the vectors have an unlimited number of components. For example, the vector <2,3,5> has 3 components and is in the space r^3. To be included in the Hilbert space, the length of the vector must be able to be calculated. The vector <1,2,4,8,16,..> is not included because its length cannot be calculated, but the vector <1,1/2,1/4,1/8,..> is included because its length can be calculated. (This is according to David Hilbert).
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2 year ago
(see a suffering story)
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eni vici vokke
2 year ago
Annie passed away while trying to figure out this question.
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2 year ago
The charcoal bogeyman is a mythical creature that is said to appear when someone sticks their tongue out. People think that this creature might have a fascination with tongues.

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touch vpn
2 year ago
burnard vizzolini
339 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 03 29