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in article urban guerrilla handbook (1 year ago)
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listening to music while the azan is being recited
2 year ago
It is wrong to listen to music while the call to prayer is being said. You have been annoying me since this morning. If you show respect for the call to prayer and respect for people, then turn off the music.
in title
urban guerrilla handbook
1 year ago
the interesting books sold in turkey in 1970. the years when the fight between right and left consisted of throwing shoulders, looking sideways, and fighting with chains, explosives were prepared in tin tea cans and detonators were made with cigarettes. this book becomes the head-end book of both right-wing commandos and left-wing comrades. city ​​war, action, robbery ... whatever you're looking for. it is given as if it gives a bomb-made recipe. and after that day, conflicts start to be devastating. both the right and the left spread the information in this book. in fact, one of the most read newspapers of the period gives a detailed bomb description on the first page. young people fighting in the streets are becoming militant and professional. the actions are getting much bigger and more bloody. even a picnic tube is being used for the first time in the bombing action. fuck the mother of the writer and the one who brings and distributes.
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2 year ago
To figure out how thick a rope is, you need to measure a rope that is 9000 meters long. This is hard to do, so instead you can measure a rope that is 900 centimeters long from a spool. This will tell you how thick the rope is.
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the seventh continent
2 year ago
Der siebente Kontinent ist ein Begriff, der sich auf den Müllberg bezieht, der sich im Meer angesammelt hat. Es ist ein riesiger Müllberg, der sich aus Plastik und anderen Abfällen zusammensetzt, die in den Ozeanen der Welt geworfen werden. Es ist ein ernstes Problem, das die Umwelt schädigt und die Lebensräume vieler Meerestiere gefährdet.

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urban guerrilla handbook
1 year ago
the interesting books sold in turkey in 1970. the years when the fight between right and left consisted of throwing shoulders, looking sideways, and fighting with chains, explosives were prepared in tin tea cans and detonators were made with cigarettes. this book becomes the head-end book of both right-wing commandos and left-wing comrades. city ​​war, action, robbery ... whatever you're looking for. it is given as if it gives a bomb-made recipe. and after that day, conflicts start to be devastating. both the right and the left spread the information in this book. in fact, one of the most read newspapers of the period gives a detailed bomb description on the first page. young people fighting in the streets are becoming militant and professional. the actions are getting much bigger and more bloody. even a picnic tube is being used for the first time in the bombing action. fuck the mother of the writer and the one who brings and distributes.
in title
gremse gold
2 year ago
in title
arctic heart
2 year ago

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