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male pornstars
3 year ago
Older brothers who work hard and use their salary to take care of their family.
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4 year ago
(see metapad)
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turtles can fly (2004)
3 year ago
No actor or actress has been able to look as intense as the main character in the movie with the scarred face. So far, no one has been able to make me feel as strongly as this girl did. This movie is definitely worth watching and should be seen multiple times.
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torrent user manual
3 year ago
If a girl writes something, it has the potential to be very impressive and make a lot of people amazed.
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2 year ago
The most difficult part of changing your religious views on Facebook is dealing with the reactions from other people. Even online, there is a fear of not being accepted and pressure from your family and community. For example, even though I have been going to church every Sunday for 1.5 years, I am still listed as a Muslim on Facebook. My parents, uncles, aunts, and everyone else in my family are attached to me.

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flower boot
2 year ago
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3 year ago
arnaldo landes
309 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 06 29