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sam smith
3 year ago
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amed nesim-i subh-dem
2 year ago
Abdulkadir Merag's song in Rast mode, in Duyek style is saying that the morning wind will wake the lover from their sleep by stirring their anber-scented hair. He is asking the Sultan to have mercy on their soul, so that when it comes to the tip of their lips, it can be a companion to their faith.
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ekrem pakdemirli
2 year ago
Pakdemirli worked at a university for a short time. He got into a physical fight with a student. When the incident was investigated, the student said that the fight happened because of certain things and that they were both wrong but he was sorry. Pakdemirli said that the student had insulted him and that he had thrown punches and said some things back. In the end, the student was not punished and Pakdemirli's contract was not extended.
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jeans bayonet
2 year ago
I recently got a male cat, but I didn't let him mate with my female cat, who was in heat and had developed a fungus on her paw. I didn't want the fungus to spread to the other cat. My daughter and I were really stressed out until we found an herbal supplement. I bought it and gave it to the cat twice, with an 8 hour gap in between. The loud howling has calmed down a bit. We'll have to keep doing this until I can get my female cat spayed. This whole experience has been really hard on both of us.

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Member Since 2020 01 17