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in article maxidex (3 year ago)
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3 year ago
it is the medicine that makes your eyes turn into a ball of fire if you have an infection, which has derivatives in the form of drops and pomade. it may accumulate on the tips of your eyelashes.
in title
sandimmun neoral
2 year ago
When I saw this medication in my prescription and read what it said, it made me feel very sad. We take it in the hope that it will help with the recent health issues we have been having.

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in title
3 year ago
it is the medicine that makes your eyes turn into a ball of fire if you have an infection, which has derivatives in the form of drops and pomade. it may accumulate on the tips of your eyelashes.

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allistir gebhard
336 points
2 entries
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Member Since 2019 12 28