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accidentally liking a photo on instagram
1 year ago
it usually happens with a double click to zoom until you get used to the application.
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pear tree
2 year ago
I watched an amazing movie called Nuri Bilge Gazelle and it was perfect. The conversations were amazing and I didn't take my eyes off the screen for a second. It was such an interesting story and it was told so well.
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I would be crazy if I didn't write
2 year ago
People might say "I wish you were crazy" when someone says something that is unexpected or out of the ordinary.
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2 year ago
I have tried two different medications for my insulin resistance, which is close to the limit. I have been trying to lose weight with the help of a dietitian and exercise, but I started taking the medications again and now I have an extreme appetite and I'm worried that I will gain weight instead of losing it. I would be happy to hear from people who have used the medications and lost weight. How long did it take for the medications to start working?

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accidentally liking a photo on instagram
1 year ago
it usually happens with a double click to zoom until you get used to the application.
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2 year ago
adelina h
370 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 03 24